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Fighting Giants

I recently had the pleasure of attending ‘Fighting Giants’, where Steve and George talked about the community they’re building here in Thailand. The goal of this community is to provide small and medium businesses with actionable insights and resources to compete against large corporations.

The aim is not to vilify the people who work for large corporations or to antagonize large corporations themselves. Instead, the intent is to identify areas where large corporations are lacking or find ‘chinks in their armor’, so to say and:

A - help small and medium businesses capitalize on those shortcomings; and B - help those large corporations identify those areas and fill those gaps for a more sustainable way of doing business.

A lot of what Steve and George talked about reminded me of why Vidushi and I started Plethora IT with the goal of providing digital transformation solutions to small and medium businesses.

I’m already a part of the WhatsApp group that they have created and if you’re either a small business or work with small businesses like I do, I highly encourage you to join them. Even if you work for a large corporation and would like insights on how to fill some of the gaps that large corporations might have, the group is also for you.

Thanks Michael and the EGN community for being fantastic hosts as always. Thank you, Steve and George for the t-shirt. I really love the logo. And keep doing fantastic work. I really look forward to what you guys are up to.

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